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Printed Cross Stitch /Embroidery

DMC coded


Fabric size 28x34cm approx.

Design size 19x24cm approx


Fabric size 28x34cm approx.

Design size 18x24cm approx


Fabric size 28x34cm approx.

Design size 18x24cm approx


Fabric size 24x47cm approx.

Design size 16x 38cm approx


Threads not included however we supply all DMC threads please see our other item. I have included key to colours required it gives the numbers and length (each skien is 8 metres long)

The embroidery can be done with cross stitch techniques using two strands or with half cross stitch 4 strands.

Full instruction on back


Printed Aida Embroidery or Cross Stitch Poppies, Owl, Horse & Tiger

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