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Iron on name label printing service, buy more pay less options with same name.

20, 40, or 60 label options.

We supply these for many different uses, Care home, School Uniform, Scouts , Rainbows/Brownies etc.

School Uniform/ Name Label Printing

SKU: 364215375135191
  • Faulty Items

    Please inspect your order for faults or postal damage within 24 hours of receiving your order. If your order does arrive in an unsatisfactory condition please contact us within 7 days of receipt. Email your name, order number and details of the fault with photographs to A replacement will be arranged upon receipt of the faulty item.

    However the following will apply;

    You will be liable to pay the cost of returning unwanted goods back to us. Where a product is faulty, damaged or the item is not as described we will refund the cost of posting the goods back to us via your local postal office. A proof of return postage paid must be obtained. You must email before returning your goods.


    Your refund will be processed within 14 days of us receiving your return. A full refund will be given less our postage costs (unless faulty).

    Returns Address

    Shipley Haberdashery & Crafts Ltd

    Shipley Indoor Market Hall

    Kirkgate , Shipley BD183QU

  • We ship all our goods by Royal Mail. and have had many years of successfully sending goods around the country .

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